
Smart agriculture shows unique charm

Stand in front of the electronic screen and click the mouse, and the "portrait" of Laixi's entire agricultural industry will be presented before your eyes; put on VR glasses, and the most beautiful rural scenery of Laixi will directly come into view; scan the QR code with your mobile phone to interact with Laixi Information related to agricultural development is at your fingertips... In the 800-square-meter space of the Laixi Agricultural Big Data Center, you can have a panoramic view of the agricultural landscape of more than 1,500 square kilometers in Laixi connected with data.

With the advent of the era of smart agriculture, Laixi City has made "first moves" in the fields of agricultural informatization and modernization. In 2017, Laixi City reached a cooperation agreement with Brick Agricultural Credit Technology Group, a leading domestic smart agricultural solution provider. The two parties will jointly build the Laixi agricultural big data platform to empower the development of modern agriculture.

TSC Smart

UAV flight control, Internet of Things intelligent control, big data agriculture is showing its unique charm in Laixi City, Qingdao, inspiring new vitality in rural revitalization.

Compared with traditional sprayer control, pesticide spraying by plant protection drones is 200 times more efficient than manual spraying. The downward airflow generated by the drone during flight can blow the leaves, so that pesticides can be sprayed on both the front and back of the corn leaves. The pesticide utilization rate can be increased by more than 30%, and the risk of breaking the corn caused by manual spraying is avoided. loss.

In Laixi, more and more cooperatives and farmers like Zhao Zhendong are purchasing advanced agricultural machinery, and the types of land trust services are also further increasing and their scope is expanding. This is due to the effective implementation of the agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Laixi City.

It is understood that since 2018, Laixi City has increased subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery. From 2018 to 2019, a total of 62.73716 million yuan in subsidy funds was issued, 2,747 units (sets) of agricultural machinery were subsidized, and 1,739 farmers benefited; in 2020 From January to September, Laixi City issued 30.4 million yuan in subsidy funds for the purchase of agricultural machinery. “While giving full play to the incentive role of the subsidy policy for the purchase of agricultural machinery, we also give full play to the demonstration and driving role of agricultural cooperative organizations, new entities, and projects, and regularly organize on-site promotion meetings for new agricultural machinery according to the needs of the farming season to promote new agricultural machinery equipment and new technologies. The application will promote the entire mechanization process of agricultural production." said Zhang Hongcai, director of Laixi Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau.

In the high-standard glass greenhouse of Qingdao Youtian Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. in Dianbu Town, Laixi City, Yu Suifei, manager of the seedling and flower breeding center, is cultivating and caring for 5 million seedlings through the Internet of Things real-time monitoring system.

TSC Smart

"All information such as temperature, humidity and sprinkler irrigation in the greenhouse will be gathered into this system and automatically adjusted to the appropriate range to achieve intelligent management of seedlings." Yu Suifei introduced. In this modern glass greenhouse of more than 40,000 square meters, assembly line management has been fully realized, and the seedling growth rate and seedling growth rate have been greatly improved.

"In the past, when artificial seedlings were raised, one person could grow 100 trays of seedlings a day, but now using a machine, more than 700 trays can be grown in an hour," Yu Suifei said. Without the help of this IoT intelligent management system, more than 40 manpower would be needed to cultivate and care for 5 million broccoli plants. The use of intelligent management will greatly improve the efficiency of seedling cultivation, and at the same time, the quality of the seedlings will also continue to improve.