Services type

Smart Agriculture

Unmanned intelligent irrigation system for farmland

Traditional agricultural production is highly dependent on manual operations, often characterized by high labor costs, lag in production data collection, low production efficiency, reliance on farmers’ experience, lack of scientific data support, and delayed detection of production dangers. From primitive human and animal farming to mechanical farming, It is a major progress in agricultural development; and the emergence of new technologies such as the Internet of Things, agricultural big data, and edge computing is an important driving force for modern agriculture to achieve essential changes and leapfrog development.

Unmanned intelligent irrigation system for farmland

Based on this, Beijing TSC Smart has integrated wireless collection and transmission of various agricultural-related sensors and wireless intelligent control of key agricultural irrigation equipment based on years of in-depth research on the Internet of Things and Cloud cloud platform, combined with Lora Internet of Things wireless communication technology. A set of SAIS farmland intelligent unmanned irrigation system based on "Thinking Brain" has been launched, which integrates full-process functions such as wireless monitoring, cloud analysis, decision support and systematic control. Through this system, farmers can work without leaving home. Mobile phones, computers, touch machines and other mobile devices can realize all-round status monitoring and fertilization control of the first pump room, irrigation control of field valves, crop soil moisture, meteorological monitoring and other full-process management, and at the same time receive data from the cloud. External information sources and recommendations for system irrigation operations.

System functions

1. Pump room monitoring and early warning

The SAIS system can monitor the voltage, current, pipeline pressure, flow and other information in the pump room online in real time. It can learn abnormal information in the pump room immediately and issue early warnings to protect farmers' normal and safe operations.

2. Integration of water and fertilizer

Based on the traditional water and fertilizer machine, combined with the Internet of Things wireless sensor collection and intelligent control, an intelligent water and fertilizer integrated irrigation system based on "Thinking Brain" was established. The system can monitor the crop production environment throughout the entire process, remotely and automatically control water and fertilizer irrigation, providing users with the most optimized irrigation plan, fully improving water and fertilizer utilization, achieving the purpose of saving water and fertilizer, improving the soil environment, and improving crop quality.

3. Meteorological monitoring

Using wireless weather monitoring stations, the SAIS system can obtain meteorological information of the crop growth microenvironment in real time, such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, light intensity, rainfall and solar radiation, etc., and can provide current evaporation data through calculation; At the same time, combined with local meteorological data collected in real time by satellites, it can provide weather forecasts for the next 72 hours, realize abnormal weather warnings such as temperature, precipitation probability, strong winds, and extreme weather in the next 24 hours, and improve the irrigation water utilization coefficient.

4. Soil moisture monitoring

Through the wireless soil moisture monitoring station, the SAIS system can accurately monitor soil tension, soil temperature and humidity, pH value and other information in real time. At the same time, the "Thinking Brain" manages and analyzes the data to achieve precise irrigation and multi-regional soil moisture early warning.

5. Field automation

Based on the collection, analysis and decision-making of soil moisture and meteorological data by "Thinking Brain", field valves (solenoid valves, electric butterfly valves, electric ball valves) can automatically perform on and off irrigation control after receiving wireless control instructions from the smart gateway. While saving manpower, it also achieves water saving and precise irrigation.

Unmanned intelligent irrigation system for farmland

System Features

All-in-One full system integration:

It covers monitoring and intelligent control from the first pump room, meteorological information, soil moisture to field valves. Based on the monitoring, analysis and decision-making of "Thinking Brain", it is assisted by a complete early warning system to fully protect the operations of managers.

Thinking about the brain:

Stable Lo Ra Internet of Things communication technology: Long-distance wireless communication, through our company's independently developed multi-threaded data processing, multi-band automatic frequency modulation and up to 32 node communication channels, the wireless communication distance can be stabilized at 2500 M- 8000 M (all measured).

Advanced node collection functions:

Ultra-low power wireless communication, sleep power consumption can reach microampere level, diversified sensor access support, data cache with up to 1000 strip time formats, active reporting of collected data, etc.

Diverse system docking:

Supports Cloud cloud platform docking, third-party system and hardware compatibility, and localized access.

Humanized management platform:

A management platform developed entirely with user experience as the core. While having a strong sense of technology, it supports the use of diverse platforms such as mobile phones, computers, touch machines, and LCD LED large screens.

Configuration diversification:

Diverse system configurations can be implemented according to the actual needs of different users.